First and foremost, thanks go to Amy Dumas aka Lita for being so awesome and down to earth. I've always heard great things about her from her fans, and I can't wait until I have the opportunity to meet her!

Anne and Kyle, who have amazing sites of their own and who have helped and/or influenced me as well as allowed me to help them out with their sites. I feel so loved, and I love you guys right back! =)

Thanks to Kimmie, Dan, Anne (yes, you again!), James, Lisa, Kim, Georgianna (hope I spelled your name right!), Sam and Thiala from the forum and the AOTE & Always Amy forums for helping out as Moderators and friends.

Thanks to Sandy, and again to Dan for writing such terrific columns for this site. You guys have helped me out a lot!

Thanks to Tammy, my great friend who runs an awesome site and ran another awesome site that's now unfortunately closed, for being so awesome and a good listener and also for donating pics to my sites.

Thanks to Jen, Amanda, Abigail, Janine and Megan for donating their awesome media to this site.

Thanks to everyone who's been so supportive of my Edge site and who are already very supportive of this one. Without you guys, my websites wouldn't even exist. Well, they WOULD, but they wouldn't be as great as they are today. =)

Thanks also to Irene, my great friend whom I've asked to help me out with this site. I can't wait until webdesign is like second nature to you, because I'd still really love to see what kind of a website you could come up with! (BTW, there aren't too many Batista sites out there, so maybe you could end up making one after all!)

Thanks to all the site visitors who are such loyal supporters of not only this website, but of Amy Dumas/Lita herself. You guys are helping to make Always Amy a big success!

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