One Year of Rated R » February 2006
ONE YEAR OF RATED R » February 2006

Edge and Lita with MariaFebruary 6, 2006: Maria announces Edge for an interview, and calls him "the former WWE Champion" as she does so. Edge isn't angry as would be expected after the incident of the previous week, when Lita hit him in the head during his rematch against John Cena for the WWE title. Instead, he tells everyone that she knew exactly what she was doing and that in doing that, gave him the win - and therefore, he was still #1 contender for the championship. He then addressed Maria, telling her that when she announces him, she should NOT call him "the former WWE Champion." Lita said she had this one and took the mic, taunting Maria and saying she should announce Edge as "the future WWE Champion." Hacksaw Jim Duggan suddenly appeared again, and Edge grew angry at him for making his girlfriend's life a living hell the past few weeks. Duggan promised he wouldn't say the insulting word but then changed his mind and yelled, "Lita is a HOOOOO!" Maria laughed, and Lita attacked her while Edge took care of Hacksaw. John Cena ran out, sparing Maria from getting a Spear.

Backstage, Edge tried to get Mr. McMahon to name Lita as the special referee for his rematch against Cena for the next week, but the Chairman said there would be a mixed tag team match, and whoever won that would get to choose the referee. Unfortunately, after two mishaps, Cena and Maria ended up victorious - and the Champ picked Mick Foley.

Edge and Lita with Mick FoleyFebruary 13, 2006: Edge and Lita go to Mick Foley's locker room and Lita tries to appeal to him by buttering him up about his books. Edge doesn't bother with the tactic and warns Foley that if he screws him over, it will be the biggest mistake he's ever made. Later, during the match, Foley gets knocked out of the ring at one point and Lita breaks up the STFU John Cena has Edge in. Cena starts to inch toward her but Edge gets him. Lita shakes Foley outside the ring, and he goes back in but Cena catches Edge in the FU as the Rated R Superstar jumps off the turnbuckle. Foley counts the three for Cena, and Edge and Lita are furious. Lita gives him a low blow and Edge delivers a Spear.
Edge and LitaFebruary 27, 2006: Edge and Lita go to the ring to kick off RAW, and Edge issues a challenge to Mick Foley for a match at WrestleMania 22. He says he waited a long enough time and that if Foley didn't show up to answer, he and Lita were going to use the two plane tickets they bought to Long Island and make a trip out there - where he would beat an answer out of him in his backyard. The two are about to leave the ring when Mick's music suddenly plays and he appears. He says he rejects Edge's offer for a wrestling match at WrestleMania, but then issues a challenge of his own - a HARDCORE match. Lita looks worried about the idea of this and lets Edge know, but before a response could be made, Foley leaves for a moment and returns with "Barbie," his bat covered with barbed wire. The couple flee from the ring and run through the crowd.