Purple Skies


"Who's next on the line, Maria?"

"We have Joan from Ozone Park," the young woman replied. "She's having trouble staying committed to her relationship."

"I'll take this one," Amy Dumas mouthed to her co-host, who merely arched an eyebrow in amusement. "Hello, Joan. What seems to be the problem today?"

The woman calling in to the radio show sighed audibly before explaining.

"Hi, Amy... Well, you see, I've been with my boyfriend for four years, but I seem to have these... urges."

Amy exchanged glances with her co-host, who merely smiled at her. He knew she could handle this one like a pro.

"Urges... You mean urges to cheat?"

"Not exactly... Well, sorta. I seem to notice so many other guys," Joan went on. The despair in her voice was evident. "My boyfriend is a handsome guy, but I find myself attracted to other men, and I... Well, I look."

"Looking at other people is no problem," Amy said easily. "We're all human... We see beauty and attractiveness in others, and so we *look*. That doesn't make you a bad person." There was the briefest pause, and then, "Joan, let me ask you this - do you *love* your boyfriend?"

"Of course I do."

"Then you should talk to him... Tell him how you feel. Tell him your worries and fears, and that you..." She paused as the man beside her shook his head wildly and gestured with both arms. No!

Shifting her hazel eyes to meet his green, she gave him a questioning look.

Adam Copeland knew his lovely redheaded co-host all too well - so well, in fact, that he'd sensed exactly what her next words were going to be?

"Joan? Adam here... Listen to *me* now - do *not* tell your boyfriend you find other men attractive. Do *not* do that under any circumstances. As a guy, I can assure you - we don't like hearing from our women that they find other men attractive."

Amy crossed her arms over her chest as she smirked at him. Leave it to the tall, handsome blond man to completely take over.

Their on-air pairing had not been smooth from the start. The redhead had been newly moved from Florida, and Adam had not been thrilled by the idea of partnering up with anyone - especially after five years of hosting his own radio show. Initially, they hadn't really gotten along, but they'd tried to make the best of the situation. Over time, they'd grown close, but there were still those rare occasions when Adam got under her skin... And now was definitely one of those times.

"So, you just go to him and tell him how great he is... Boost his male ego," the blond man was saying. "Got me, Joan?"

"Yeah, okay. That sounds like a good idea."

Amy turned her head to meet the eyes of their producer, Maria Kanellis. The young woman merely smiled and shrugged. Then, shifting her gaze back to Adam, she too shook her head, her eyes rolling heavenward. He didn't really think he was going to get away with this, did he?

"All right, that's enough," she interrupted. "Joan, it's Amy again. Are you going to listen to that baloney and male ego crap? Hun, here is the best advice I can give you - just be honest with your man." She cast Adam a murderous look as he began to softly chuckle. She had the distinct urge to flip him off but refrained, as she knew that would only get him laughing even harder.

"You really think so, Amy?" Joan's voice questioned.

"Yes, I really do," the redhead responded. "I know it sounds corny and cliche, but honesty truly *is* the best policy."

"Well," Adam piped in, "that will do it for tonight's edition of Purple Skies. We'll be seeing you again, same time, same station. Oh, and good luck, Joan."

Amy was the first to remove her headphones, and she instantly bombarded the blond man.

"What the hell was that?"

"Whoa," Adam said as he calmly placed his own set of headphones aside. "My advice was better than yours - I mean, which one do you think will actually *help* that girl?"

Amy merely crossed her arms defensively over her breasts and pouted at him.

"And whatever gave you the idea that I was going to tell her that she should tell her boyfriend she finds other men attractive?"

"Because I *know* you, Amy Dumas... I can read you like a book." Adam gently poked her on the tip of her nose, which she promptly wrinkled upon the impact. Then, he smiled softly at her. "How else do you think we got to fall so madly in love?"

The young woman smirked at her boyfriend and co-worker.

"Because you couldn't resist my breathtaking beauty and charm." It was a statement and not a question.

The tall blond man pulled her into his embrace as he gazed down into her incredible hazel eyes.

"Well, that's true... As much as I hate to admit it." A chuckle escaped him as he felt her hands in his shoulder-length blond hair, and he dipped his head to capture her lips in a passionate kiss.

A moment later, they heard the door to their studio opening, and Maria clearing her throat. They broke the kiss and looked up simultaneously.

"Oh, don't mind me," the pretty producer quipped. "I have to go meet Jeff in ten minutes, anyway, so I'll be out of your hair right... now."

Amy laughed and pressed her bowed head against Adam's chest as their friend slipped from the room.

Part 2
