Sweet Misery


"Okay," Dawn Marie said the moment Sean got her in the small backstage room. She clapped her hands together and smiled at him winningly.

"I know all about this plan, but exactly how far do you want me to go, mister?"

"Hold on," the tattooed bass player said. "Let's wait for Lita before we-"

I know you two are talking about me," the redhead teased as she suddenly appeared in the doorway. She stepped inside, about to close the door behind her, but someone stuck their foot in, stopping her. She was about to gasp out of fear of who might be doing this but then relaxed when she saw it was only Edge.

"What's going on?" There was a definite look of suspicion on his face.

"Oh, get in here," she said, pulling his shirt sleeve. "You might as well help conspire with us." She grinned as evilly as she could physically manage, locking the door behind him. The last thing they needed was for the wrong person to walk in.

"Ooh, kinky," Dawn Marie quipped with a smirk. "A foursome, huh?"

For a second, Amy and Sean exchanged worried glances. The brunette couldn't possibly know about their one night together... Or, at least the redhead hoped not. She knew the dark-haired man was close with the woman, but hopefully not to the extent that he would have shared that information with her.

"Okay, then," she said, hoping the nervousness didn't ring out in her voice. "So, what were you two discussing before we got here?"

"I was just asking Sean how far you guys want me to go with this thing," Dawn Marie replied. She smiled very lasciviously, adding a wink as she continued. "'Cause, I can go all night if I can get a few orgasms out of it."

Edge stared at the brunette in disbelief. He exchanged glances with his girlfriend immediately after. Clearly, this one was extremely brazen. He hated thinking of her as a 'slut,' as he didn't even know her yet, but... jeez!

O'Haire was gazing silently at the women, speechless. She had him mesmerized, as though she had him under her spell. He had to shake his head and slap at the back of his neck to break the sensation.

"Well... You don't have to really go that far," he said. "We just want the bitch to think you did."

"And 'the bitch,' as you call her - I suppose I'll be meeting her later?"

"Sure... If you want to, I guess you can," Lita answered. "But it's not really necessary. Dave is the one we want you to get to know."

Dawn grinned, tilting her head up as she spoke next.

"Ahh! And he's the one who's going to give me all the orgasms?"

Edge nearly choked on the bottle of beer he was nursing. This woman was certainly a character.

"Mmm... Well, probably not," Amy put in. "I was with him for three years and had to fake orgasms throughout our entire relationship."

The tall blond man sputtered again. Sean, on the other hand, started laughing.

"Are you serious?" Edge asked. Instead of amusement, his face showed some concern.

"I'm afraid so, babe. Let's just say Big Dave is lacking in that department," the red-haired guitarist sadly responded.

Dawn Marie crossed her arms and shook her head.

"Well, that's a damn shame," she retorted. "If I do actually go to bed with this guy, I'll be sure to pack my vibrator!"

This time, everyone laughed.

"I think they should be back pretty soon," Lita said, hooking a thumb over her shoulder. "Like I said, you don't have to meet Torrie, but I'll show you Dave when he gets back. He's big, tall, dark-haired with a lot of tattoos."

"Yeah?" the brunette asked. She cast Sean a look. "That could be you." She smirked. "But I would hope you are capable of bringing a woman to orgasm."

Um, yeah... He is capable, Amy thought but didn't dare utter it aloud. She had to bite her tongue at that thought, especially as she suddenly felt Adam's arm wind around her.

"No worries there," O'Haire said, holding up his hands and winking at her.

The brunette threw her head back and let out a hearty, throaty laugh. She clapped her left hand to the burly man's arm before the laughter subsided.

As Lita looked at them together, she definitely thought she could sense something there. If that was indeed the case, then she couldn't be happier. Sean deserved to be loved, and Dawn Marie seemed like a great girl in spite of all the sexual stuff. She was sure they got along great in their friendship, so why not in more than that as well?

She smiled at the thought of what would happen starting from the moment Batista and his bimbo got back into the club. No doubt, it was sure to be something not to miss.

Part 46
