Sweet Misery

Edge shook his head in aggravation as he watched his fellow guitarist and new bandmate as she practiced scales on her shiny electric purple Ibanez Explorer.

He stood on the club floor, several feet from the stage, his arms crossed over his chest, a smirk on his face.  He pushed his silver sunglasses down so that they were over his eyes, not caring that he was indoors.

So far, he wasn't impressed in the least - well, not with the woman's guitar playing anyway.  Anyone could play scales - hell, he'd even taught Stephanie how to do that - and the brunette had joked on many occasions that, while she'd been blessed with several talents, a knack for playing music was not one of them.

The tall blond man allowed his eyes to slowly scan over Lita's form.  The one thing he did appreciate about her so far was her looks.  She was an exceptionally beautiful woman, and he could easily imagine getting some very pleasurable use out of her... But he didn't like her, same as he knew she didn't like him.  She had some mouth on her.  He wasn't a sexist - never had been - and she had basically accused him of such.

It wasn't that he didn't think women belonged in rock 'n roll - on the contrary, Adam had always idolized women like Joan Jett, Lita Ford and the Wilson sisters from the band Heart - but Sweet Misery had always had this cool theme going on.  It had always been four long-haired blond men from Canada... Okay, so Chris was technically originally from Manhasset, New York - but he'd lived in Winnipeg for eight years of his youth, which still applied.

He had no idea where this Lita was from, but regardless, she messed up their tradition.  Actually, he was somewhat bitter over Test's departure from Sweet Misery.  The man had decided to go back to college for his master's degree, which meant he could no longer play in a band.  Oddly enough, practically the moment after he'd quit, he'd cut off his hair, opting for short rather than long.

Edge ran a hand through his hair, his smirk deepening as he continued to stare at the redheaded woman.  Who did she think she was?  Even if Chris and Christian had hired her on the spot, what right did she have to act as though she were the queen of the world?  He didn't like pushy or obnoxious women - and in his eyes, Miss Amy Dumas - he hadn't forgetten her real name - fell into both categories.  As far as he was concerned, those were two strikes against her.

Edge rolled his eyes in annoyance as Lita suddenly stopped playing her guitar and bent over her case, fumbling with something inside.  He didn't particularly like the way she was so obviously ignoring him, either.  She'd been doing that, avoiding looking at him, ever since she'd shoved her way past him to go up onto the stage.  He wasn't used to members of the opposite sex giving him the cold shoulder.  Not that he was arrogant or anything, but it unnerved him a bit that this woman was so... Well, for lack of a better word - hostile toward him.  The feeling just seemed to rise out of her entire aura and make its cloying way to him.  Because just about everyone tended to like him, it wasn't a pleasant feeling.

He eyed the woman steadily as she set up some Fuzz Box sound effects equipment, or whatever it was, and frowned at her evident ease at ignoring him.  Yes, it was very unpleasant indeed.

Adam finally turned away from the redhead in disgust.  He walked across the club floor to the bar situated at the opposite end of the place, deciding he needed a drink.

"Hey, man," the bartender said with a smile.  "Your new guitar player is hot!  I sure wouldn't mind playing beside her..."

Edge raised his shades, giving Shane Helms a look.  "Yeah, she's definitely something to look at, but that personality definitely leaves something to be desired."

"What happened?  You two get into an argument already?" Shane asked with a smirk.

"How'd you ever guess?  Man, that chick has got an attitude problem!"

Helms chuckled at that.  "Maybe you guys just got off on the wrong foot.  Well, time will tell."

"Give me a Bud, will you, Shane?"  The blond man turned to gaze back over at the stage, and it was then that he noticed that Christian had finally come out from the back, his girlfriend, Trish Stratus, at his side.  The two of them were speaking with Lita, and the redhead was actually smiling.

"On second thought - I'll take a scotch on the rocks," Edge said to Shane, his head still turned in the redhead's direction.  He felt like he needed some hard liquor after meeting the hard-headed, hard-nosed, impossible young woman.

Part 5
