Meant For Me


The ride back to the hotel was fast, but too quiet. Adam was fully aware of his wife's mood, and he decided to question her.

"So, what exactly did Bischoff want to talk to you about?"

Amy stiffened in the passenger's seat. She'd hoped he wouldn't notice her silence, but she must have been crazy to think she could get away with that. He knew her far too well.

"It was about the storyline and tomorrow night," she answered vaguely.

They were just approaching the hotel. Adam quickly located a vacat space in the small parking lot and parked. Not a word was spoken as he undid his seatbelt and exited the car to retrieve their luggage. However, he was full of suspicion and questions. Amy wasn't telling him anything, and he wanted to know what was up.

They started toward the hotel, and once in the lobby, the tall blond man eyed his wife. She was hiding something, all right.

The moment they were inside their hotel room, Adam dropped the bags and faced her. He cornered her, wrapping his arms around her waist securely.

"Okay," he began, looking directly into her hazel eyes. He didn't fail to detect the definite hint of anxiety within. "Now that we're alone, tell me what's going on. You seem upset, and I want to know why."

Amy met his green gaze, her eyes shifting uncomfortably. She knew how much it would upset him. But at the same time, she knew he was going to find out by tomorrow, regardless.

"It's... Oh, God... Adam, Bischoff is making me-" She paused, hoping he wouldn't explode. "You aren't going to be involved in my new storyline after all."

"I guessed that," the Canadian said on a sigh. "I've got a feud with Randy Orton coming up, plus a tag team title run with Chris Benoit." He paused as he felt the redhead's fingers caressing the back of his neck. "So, what is this all about?"

"Adam, you have to promise me you're not going to get too mad."

"Well," the blond man said, "that all depends on what you're about to tell me."

Amy bit her lip, her head ducking at the anxiety she felt.

"Glen and I are going to be in the storyline with someone else... Someone I don't want a thing to do with... *Matt*," she blurted.

"What?!" Adam's emerald eyes widened with shock and rage. He couldn't believe what he'd just heard. Bischoff was going to have the nerve to put Matt Hardy in a storyline with Amy? And after everything that asshole had done to her? He suddenly saw red and released the diva.

"You have got to be kidding me!" he roared, his face reddening in anger. He reached up with both hands, tearing at his long golden hair. He could hardly contain his fury as he thought about his wife being put into a storyline with the Hardy bastard. "Did you tell Bischoff that there's no way in *hell* you're going through with it?"

Amy bit her lip, fear coursing through her. She couldn't tell him... He'd only grow twice as angry, and she didn't want him to know the real reason she'd agreed to working with her miserable, hateful ex-boyfriend.

Slowly, she shook her head.

"You *didn't*?" Adam asked incredulously. He frowned in confusion, wondering what in hell Eric Bischoff had said to scare her into this shit. Because he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, the man said *something*.

Amy swallowed visibly, shaking her head. She came closer to him, her hands reaching for his arm in a frantic gesture for him to understand.

"I... I *couldn't*. I felt I had no choice," she said wearily.

"Did that son of a bitch threaten you?" Adam demanded, his handsome features sharp with ire.

The redhead ducked her head again, hating this entire situation. She knew he could read her like a book, so she didn't bother with a denial.

"You can say that."

Her husband tore out of her grasp, stalking over toward the window.


Adam's hands again came up to tear at his long blond hair, the need to destroy something unbelievably great. He refrained from punching out the window and instead kicked over the desk chair to his left.

"Adam!" Amy yelled. Hurriedly, she approached him again. The last thing he needed was to re-injure his foot, which was still only about a month healed. "Honey, calm down," she begged. Her hands were again on him, soft and gentle as she pulled him toward her. "Let's just forget about this for now... Why don't we instead continue where we were earlier, before the interruption?" She pulled his head down to hers, placing her lips on his and kissed him. Initially, he responded, kissing her back, but soon stiffened, pulling away from her completely.

"I'm sorry, babe," he said softly as he gazed at her. "I'm just not in the mood right now. I'm getting ready for bed." He stalked off to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Amy felt incredibly dejected as she stared at the closed bathroom door. She wanted to just throw herself down on the bed, break down and cry.

Part 14
