Send Me an Angel

Torrie eyed Shane and Stephanie with concern, a feeling of desperation running through her.  She couldn't help having a bad feeling about the siblings' upcoming trip.

Kurt appeared to be a little more in control of his emotions than the blonde woman.  He seemed to accept that the McMahon offspring needed to do this - and the Olympic Gold Medalist was definitely more of an optimist about the possibility of Vince telling Levesque to call off anything further he might do - in vast contrast to Adam.

"I wonder how Amy is doing now," Stephanie said softly.  She knew that the tall blond man had to be by the redhead's side by now, as it had been more than an hour since he'd left for the hospital.

A feeling of horror had gripped her as she'd heard Adam's words after he'd ended his call earlier that night - Paul had been standing in Amy's hospital room, right over her bed!  My God... she thought.  The man was either totally fearless of the law, of being caught, or else he was absolutely certifiable.  The brunette feared Levesque might actually be a little of both - which was not a good combination.

"When do you think you'll be back?" Torrie suddenly asked.  She glanced from Stephanie to Shane, her gaze soft, almost caressing as she eyed the dark-haired man.

"As soon as we're done with Dad, we'll head back," Shane promised.  "If we get to speak to him in a timely manner, then we could return as soon as later in the afternoon."

The platinum blonde's face seemed to fall just a bit, her big blue eyes sad.  She glanced down, wishing there were some way the two of them didn't have to leave.  For some reason, she didn't want Shane to move from her side - maybe it was because he made her feel so safe.  And he did make her feel that way, even after she'd been so brutally raped several days earlier.

Kurt was gently gripping Stephanie's hand, the pair sitting at the small table in the corner.  The brunette had been mostly silent during the time since she and her brother had made their announcement, her mind plagued by a million thoughts and fears: What if their father refused to speak to them at all?  What if Levesque saw them and followed them?  If that happened, would the bastard attempt to cut them down, as he'd done to Amy?

"Are you all right?" Angle's voice penetrated the brunette's myriad of worries, and she blinked and looked up into his face.

"Yeah..." she said slowly, her gaze falling down to their clasped hands.  Oh, God... What if she couldn't do this?  She knew it was for the best, but she didn't know if she possessed that much strength.  And the truth was, she was really a little afraid to face her father.  She had no remorse about their last conversation, or about having threatened to call the authorities on him - but dear God, what more was he capable of?  For all she, Shane, or anyone else knew, he was responsible for everything that Paul had done since the night Vince had been arrested...

"You're awfully quiet, Steph," Kurt said, running his thumb over the pad of her small hand.  He gazed at her tenderly, his blue eyes soft as they met her own.

"Well...I've got a lot on my mind, Kurt."

The Olympian moved closer to her, putting an arm around the young woman's shoulder and drawing her against him.  He placed his lips on her forehead, tenderly kissing her there and then stroking her long brown hair.

Stephanie sighed, her eyes closing, and she sank into the man's touch as best she could.  God, how Kurt so easily soothed her when she was worried.

Turning toward him more fully, the brunette wrapped her arms around Angle's neck, hugging him tightly.

"I really don't want to go, Kurt...I don't want to see Dad, and I don't want to leave you for for even a minute, let alone half a day!"  Stephanie began to sob brokenly, her tears wetting the Olympian's shirt collar as they sliped down her face.

Kurt held her back a bit to peer deeply into her sad, scared face.

"It's going to be all right, Stephanie - I know it is.  You're going to be strong, and Shane is going to be by your side - he'll protect you."  He placed his hands on either side of her face, her tears moistening them in the process.  And then, Angle leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers, kissing the brunette ardently.  A fresh torrent of tears chased each other down her cheeks as she kissed him back.

Shane and Torrie gazed, nearly transfixed at the couple, each of them feeling a pain deep inside at the obvious love between them.  Finally, the dark-haired man gently grasped Torrie by the arm.  She looked at him almost questioningly, and he gestured that they should leave.

"We'll go to my room," Shane whispered, and Torrie arched an eyebrow as she followed him to the door.

Part 42
