Right-click an image below to save target as. Please be patient when video is downloading, as it may take some time depending on the length of it. Absolutely NO hotlinking is allowed, and if I find out anyone has been doing that, I'll remove these. If you use any of these videos elsewhere, you MUST credit me for them!

Lita gives a dynamite promo at Backlash 2006 Mick Foley unites with Edge and Lita Edge, Lita and Mick enjoy the hardcore championship
With help from Lita, Edge defeats Big Show for the #1 contendership Lita interviews her man Edge backstage Edge and Lita appear at ECW
One Night Stand 2006, Part 1 One Night Stand 2006, Part 2 Edge and Lita kick things off with a promo
Lita has a match against Torrie Wilson Edge and Lita backstage with Todd Grisham Edge wins the WWE Championship again!
Miss Congeniality vs Jazz from November 1999 Tag match is set after an attack on Flair by Nitro and Edge Edge with Lita and Nitro with Melina vs John Cena and Ric Flair
Edge and Lita interrupt Trish's match with Mickie Edge and Lita vs Carlito and Trish Stratus Todd Grisham interviews Lita and Edge backstage at Survivor Series

*Disclaimer/Copyright*: All videos are sole property of the WWE and are used for entertainment purposes only. They are being used under fair copyright law, and no infringement is intended. Videos created by or unless otherwise stated.** Credit must be given to Adam On The Edge or Always Amy if they are used elsewhere.

**Special thanks to Trisha for the Miss Congeniality vs Jazz video.

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