Hey welcome to another edition of Amy Weekly. Not much has really happened to Amy per se, but it has been an interesting week nonetheless involving Edge.

Okay, Edge is no longer the #1 contender for the WWE title. There is no title shot actually in his immdiate future. So, now that Edge is in the record books as a "transitional" champion, what is next? The WWE pushes a feud between him and Mick Foley. Okay, no direspect, but this is kinda of like a parent who's really busy futhering themselves and just putting their kid on dummy missions. This is exactly what Triple H is doing to Edge. Edge won't have a title shot in his future for a while as long as Triple H is controlling Vince and the writing team. So, this whole Mick Foley thing may be interesting to watch... I'm doubting it, but it's just something for Edge to do now. It will probably end at WrestleMania and I'm going off the deep end right now - Foley will win. As of this point in time, I don't see Edge winning because they have let too many other superstars beat Foley over the last two years.

Now onto "Lita," I give it to her - she stands by her man through thick and thin. It's admirable but at the same time they aren't using her to her fullest talent and pisses me and other fans off. When she was with the Hardy Boyz, at least she got to get into the ring and show what she was made of. She fought for the title and she had feuds. Now it's like she's living in Edge's shadow. When the feud first started, it was cute. Now it's kind of...sad. It's like she is wasting the WWE's money. She does nothing on her own. It's nice being with Edge, but it's also nice to do your own thing. Please don't get me wrong I am a huge Lita fan but I also think she could be after her title. I'm sick and tired of seeing her do nothing. It pisses me off. If Candice Michelle wins the title, I'll be more than upset, I'll be outraged. Not only can Amy wrestle like a true wrestler, but if anyone remembers, she's the real number one contender... Trish beat her at New Year's Revolution last year and Lita has a rematch clause that she never used... Wonder why?!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed.


Webmistress' special note: Not true, my dear Sandy... Lita "does nothing?" I wouldn't call her getting physically involved in Edge's matches "nothing." Nor would I call wrestling matches at houseshows "nothing." And let's not forget the mixed tag match earlier this month.

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