When: May 26, 2007
Where: Charlotte, North Carolina

Okay, so. As everyone should know I went to Charlotte yesterday afternoon to catch The Luchagors (FINALLY!) at the 600 Festival! I was sort of worried heading in that we would get lost (my mom is no directions queen) but much to my gratitude the only mishap was that a wrong direction was written down from MapQuest and we ended up looking for an Exit 18 that wasn't even there but we soon figured out the mistake and went straight to where we were supposed to be!! I SO thought we were going to be late though! They started their set at 4:30 and I think I walked up to the front gate in front of the stage at like 4:12 or something like that so we had time to spare! =D

OMG. It was SOOOOO freakin' hot out there! I was wearing my lucha mask t-shirt (which is black), jeans and my converses and I thought I was going to have a heat stoke. Gah. I definitely agree with Amy on that one when she mentioned something about it being 175 degrees outside and we definitely needed those super-soakers! haha.

Anyways! Moving on. As we were standing there waiting for the show to start I happened to notice Troy, Shane and Jay all walking about checking things over, talking with some people etc, I totally wanted to go say something but at this point I was like I'm at the front of the stage and I'll freakin' kill somebody if they even think about taking my spot so I didn't move. haha.

Oh, did I mention I'm abnormally calm at this point? Like, leading up to actually getting there and seeing everything I was calm the whole time. I should have been freaking out all over the place knowing I was about to see Amy perfrom and even meet her after the show but I was being totally cool about it. Which, if you've been around me when I'm about to meet a WWE Superstar you know that's not how I am going into something like that. Especially seeing as it was LITA my hero/role model/person I look up to and hope to be half as good as one day/like my number one person EVER and I'm totally acting cool about it. I don't know what the hell that's about.. it still confuses me. =D But in the end, I'm thankful for it.

Moving on!! So, the show starts with this really awesome like voice over type thing about "use caution when dealing with The Luchagors" and stuff, I thought it was really awesome!! I really liked that; nice touch. Then Amy comes out and starts the show (while Ashley is in front of her having a massive adrenaline rush!) which was really really awesome!! They played over ten songs I'd say, most definitely; all of which (minus the jacked up one, lol) will be on their first album COMING SOON! But not soon enough, lol.

I wish I could remember all the names of the songs but I'll try to name some: (if a Luchagor happens to be reading this and I get some of these wrong or something feel free to correct me please!)

-Already Gone
-All There Is
-White Boy
-Crazy World
-Daddy's Little Girl (lots of kudos to Shane for his Girls Gone Wild joke, lol)
-Boy's Don't Cry
-Luchagor (that might not be the correct name)
-Operater (cover-song)
-Bad Reputation (cover-song)

I know there's probably some I'm missing but those were the ones that stuck out! I absolutely loved all their songs, I can't wait for the cd! But, I'd have to say my favorite song out of the three everyone knows had to be All There Is before going to the concert, and after the concert I have to admit.. it's still my favorite!! Wanna know why?? Good. I was going to tell you anyway.. =D

During the performance of that song I was signing along with her and she obviously noticed because during one of the "and I'll be there for you" lines she looked and pointed directly at me!! *fangirl moment* I was totally cheesing (smiling REALLY BIG) the whole time during the concert and afterwards. My face hurt so freakin' bad.

As for Amy calling me out I believe it was a total of two more times at least while she was on stage; stuff like "I know you know the lyrics I saw you singing along" and "I know you're on our MySpace page!" Talk about freakin' heartattack. Gah. She's amazing. That's just all there is to it. Period.

The only part of the show I didn't like was how many guys started the whole "WHAT?!" chant-type thing while she and the boys were trying to talk. It was all funny at first but then it just got damn annoying. I'm almost positive it was getting on their nerves too, especially Amy. I was SO freakin' close to just yelling out "SHUT UP!! THIS ISN'T A WWE SHOW, THIS ISN'T EVEN WRESTLING AT ALL SO SHUT THE HELL UP!!" I was pissed after the first 20-times of hearing that stupid Austin reference. But, on a cool little note apparently there was a guy there that was also at her very first Indy show ever and she knew him from that show in 1999; I thought that was pretty awesome.

The Luchagors are awesome at what type of music they play. This isn't American Idol so don't come looking for a Carrie Underwood or a Kelly Clarkson but, if you're into hardcore, rough punk rock music they're totally kick ass. Everything about them; I totally dig it. =D But, I have to say. Watching Amy perform now is a totally different thing than what her last few months in the WWE looked like. Don't get me wrong; In my opinion Amy is the greatest female professional wrestler to ever walk the face of the planet. (If you disagree with me don't tell me about it. I don't want to hear it. Have you seen this blog? My default picture? My MySpace in general? Your opinion obviously isn't going to change mine so HUSH.) But, Amy looked so unhappy back then. I know, she was supposed to be heel with Copeland but you could still tell she wasn't happy with her job anymore. (I blame the WWE's over-exposure for that) But watching her in Charlotte and seeing how happy she was to be up there, joking around, performing her music... I felt more honored to be there than anything and I'm glad she's finally back to being just Amy and being happy.

Anyway, moving on yet again.. (don't you just love my tangents?) Once they finished their set The Luchagors went over and sold some merchandise while Amy signed autographs and took pictures with people. ...and by "people" I mean 50-something old, shirtless, beer gut back-wood rednecks from NC drooling over her; it was about discusting. I felt bad for her to say the least. Eckk.

I finally got up there and Jay was the first one standing there (selling merch, lol) and he recognized me from MySpace!! How awesome is that? I for sure felt special. He might have even remembered my name but I'm not positive. Yesterdays just one freakin' big blurr!! People like that shouldn't be wanting to meet me, it's definitely the other way around! lol. We talked while I bought the official Luchagors t-shirt (and yes, it did become my new favorite t-shirt!) and a 8x10 for Amy to sign. Jay mentioned how I won for having the best shirt of the day (my lucha mask shirt) and then Shane joined in on the conversation as he was standing right beside him. Jay mentioned actually trying to get my attention at the beginning of the show and I must have totally missed it!! I felt so bad! [Jay, dude, if you're reading this; Im so freakin' sorry!! Just.. throw something at me next time! lol]

It was great talking to them; they are some definite cool guys! It really just felt like I was talking to old friends; awesome experience. ;] I got a picture with Jay, then with Shane and Troy (he's the silent but deadly type, I can tell; lol) Then it was on to AMY! *fangirl moment again*

I walked up to her and put her 8x10 and her autobiography down and said hey; I asked spoke first this time (shock number one) and she was UBER nice. She was getting ready to sign my name on the photo and she goes "ughh.. what's your name again? I know I know you from MySpace..." and as I freaked out in my head I said, "Ashley." She nodded and said "if you'd given me two more seconds I so would have got that... is it -ley or -lie?" Geezz.. if she only knew how much just meeting her meant to me. Then the convo went something like this...

Ash: "I was standing in line trying to remember what I was supposed to say to you..."

Amy: "Aw, do you remember any of it now?"

Ash: "Um, I just wanted to tell you thank you for everything you did for women in professional wrestling and you're the reason I want to be a wrestler too. You are the one that implanted it in me.." (this isn't exact but close enough)

Amy: "Aw, well thank you. Have you started training yet?"

Ash: "No, actually I just turned 18 in January, and I graduate June 8th so I'm trying to get all that over and done with but it's definitely coming; I hope to start soon."

Amy: "Awesome... and I really like your shirt. I saw it from up on stage, what's it from?"

Ash: "Aw, yeah, they said I won for best t-shirt of the day... I got it at Hot Topic... I think it was for Nacho Libre"

Amy: "Oh yeah, probably Nacho.."

Ash: "But, I saw it and was like that's definitely The Luchagors so I had to get it."

Amy: "Haha, that's right. Well thanks for coming out today to watch us and it was great meeting you. I hope to see you again in the future." *dies*

*takes picture with Amy; did I mention she's my hero?*

Okay, so cutting out out the middle man so to speak he's a rundown of what went on. I took pictures with my camera of the nice lady and little girl behind me because they were going to have to take it with a cell phone and I knew that wouldn't be as good so I told them I'd e-mail theirs to them. They were really nice. But while the lady was getting her stuff together this happened::

"Hey Amy, can I bother you for one more millisecond please?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Will you sign my shirt for me?"

"No problem."

"Oh, if that marker doesn't work it's Jeff Hardy's fault he used it last. It's pretty ghetto."

"Haha, yeah it is pretty ghetto but it got the job done."

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome."

Did I mention this was the BEST DAY EVERRR!!?? Totally. I mean, I left so much out of this but it's honestly hard to remember every little detail but it was honestly the greatest day. They are freakin' amazing!! Amy, Jay, Shane and Troy... I can't wait till I can go see them again.

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